August 2nd, 2023 | Alex

How PR can Elevate your Brand at Live Events

In PR, the aim of the game is to generate as much publicity as possible for a particular event, business or individual.

As we’re a PR company who specialises in helping live events gain more publicity we understand this very well.

At live events in particular there will be a whole host of brands involved, all of which will require PR to some degree.

In this post we’ll take a look at why it’s important for relevant brands to have a presence at your event and how a live event PR team could benefit them. 

People at an event

Why It’s Important for Brands to Attend Live Events

At live events in particular, there will usually be a number of other brands involved. They’re there for publicity reasons and essentially to gain brand exposure.

Live events offer brands the opportunity to connect with their target audience on a deeper level. A lot of PR is online these days so live events can attract a more engaged crowd, in person, and help build that all-important rapport.

Also, if you have brands that cater to your target audience’s needs, then the event will be a better all round experience for them.

Brands get more exposure and your event becomes even better, with more content to show off to attendees.

Everyone’s a winner. 

How the Live Event PR Team Can Help Brands

When brands come to attend live events they may have their own PR team already. This is quite common so some brands may not feel the need to seek help from the live events PR team.

But whether they have their own team or not, brands can still benefit from engaging the live events PR team.

It’s always useful for any brand to get as much help as possible when it comes to gaining exposure and reaching a new audience. 

So here are a few reasons why brands could benefit from using a live events PR team.  

Co-branding Opportunities

As mentioned, there are usually a wide range of brands that attend live events for promotional reasons. Depending on the size of the event there could be a handful of brands or potentially hundreds.

Some of these brands will be in very similar industries, some will even be competitors. 

But what if they could become collaborators?

PR teams that run live events will have a whole list of what businesses are attending. As a result there may be a chance that some of these businesses may be interested in teaming up.

This is known as co-branding and many brands have done it in the past with massive success e.g Spotify & Starbucks, Apple & Mastercard, Levis & Pinterest. 

Offer Extra Support on the Ground

It’s always useful to have an extra pair of helping hands.

PR teams at live events will usually have a base where they can run day to day operations from while the live event takes place.

At GALA PR we offer this as part of our PR service for live events. We offer physical onsite PR support for event organisers and to support brand representatives and their attending media also.

Industry Specific Knowledge

The live events industry is quite unique in its own way and having a PR company that specialises in this area can be a great resource to tap into

Some brands may be used to how live events run; they could be seasoned professionals when it comes to the PR side of things.

Other brands may be first timers with little to no experience at being at these live events. Having a dedicated PR team to call upon for specific industry advice can be hugely advantageous.

It will help them for their duration of the event and also for any future events that they attend. 

Attract a Local Audience 

Live events are (for the most part) based in a physical location, garnering plenty of attention from local media. PR specialists for live events will have good contacts in the local media outlets.

Some brands may be equipped for gaining national or even international exposure but they may fall short when it comes to attracting the regional press.

Locally based professionals, or PRs with great regional knowledge, can put the right people in front of these brands to ensure they get local coverage.  

An event taking place

GALA PR – Live Events PR Specialists

It’s obvious that PR professionals who specialise in live events can be a great asset to brands attending live events.

Having industry knowledge and an unmatched understanding of the live events world are key reasons why brands could benefit.

At GALA PR we have been helping promote live events for over a decade and we have worked with some of the biggest names in the world.

Using creative strategies and industry leading knowledge we have managed to successfully promote events all across the UK.
Reach out to us if you’re looking to promote your live event the right way.