live events


Live Event PR Specialists

From intimate gigs, concert series’ and red-carpet event awards, to festivals of all sizes, effective PR is a must

Selling tickets, generating hype, maintaining a high profile, building brand awareness, And of course, celebrating the success of your event are key factors in running a great PR campaign.

As well as delivering an engaging campaign from launch to live and post event PR, we can run your red carpet, manage attending journalists, operate an on-site press office, deliver a consistent stream of news to the media and much more – we want to work as an extension of your live events team.

Planning an event?


What do you specialise in promoting?

We specialise in PR for entertainment brands, live events businesses, promoters, and live events of all kinds! This ranges from major music festivals to regional tours, tourism attractions, seasonal events, conferences, venues and more.

Take a look at our clients page to see a list of some of the clients we have worked with in the past. We’re proud to cultivate a diverse client portfolio, made up of events, brands and businesses across the entertainment and live industries.

Do you host or produce a podcast, or are you involved in bringing music festivals to life? Perhaps you’re a venue, promoter, or brand looking to benefit from PR support.

Whether you are any of the above, or anything in between, we would love to hear from you!

Which media outlets do you work with?

We are a 360 PR agency, so we pride ourselves on working with all types of media outlets!

This ranges from print, TV, radio, and online, to social media platforms and influencers.

We have a wealth of media contacts in the UK (both regionally and nationally), across Europe, and further afield.

We’ll work with you to ensure we’re targeting the most relevant media outlets as part of your PR campaign. We’re always on hand to offer advice on any other outlets, based on your target audience and demographic, that may be most beneficial for you and your business.

How do you measure the success of a PR campaign?

We offer our clients post-campaign analysis through in-depth reporting once a project is complete. This allows us to see what worked, identify areas for improvement, and review how effective the campaign was, providing strategic, results-driven building blocks for when we work together next.

During the reporting phase, we’ll delve into activity completed, analysing this against the campaign objectives. We use industry-standard measurement tools to provide realistic stats including reach and PR value.

It is incredibly beneficial to have these discussions after working hard on a campaign, and we’ll never pass up the chance to have a moment with our clients to celebrate wins!

What additional services can you provide?

As part of our live events PR service, we can offer physical on-site PR support, providing a team of experienced PRs on the ground in the days running up to, and throughout, the live event.

There, we will operate an on-site press office so that media have a dedicated area to work and to get answers to any queries.

Examples of other services we offer include crisis communications management for live events and high-profile clients, celebrity booking for live events , and more. Get in touch for more information.